Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Oscar (11) - 1 Year and 6 months rehabilitated from living on the streets, sniffing glue and being angry and bitter towards everybody around him

Oscar NOW ... I look at him and all I want to do is weep of JOY. He is intelligent and gifted - a blessing to all!
May 2012 - The day we've rescued Oscar from the streets of Nakuru. He was so wild and so rough ... Oh, what God
had done in His life, no man could ever do!

Become part of Oscar's life by helping him
to learn, to eat, to grow ...
You can do this through either becoming a co-sponsor
by committing to a minimum monthly gift of
$15 / 10 GBP / R155
become his sole sponsor by sending YASHA a monthly amount of $45 / 30GBP / R500.

It's worth it, I promise you!