Kemboi in the red masaai blanket on the left and Thomas a little behind in the green blanket. |
The boys, wrapped in their masaai blankets, look so colourful. |
Every parent had the privilege to take about their sons ... |
We did this programme through Citam Church, Nakuru and I must say, they did a very good job. |
Parents were to cut cake for their boys. |
Tradition in Kenya suggests that cake should be served to the "VIP" whether during a wedding, a graduation, etc. |
After Kemboi was being served with cake, he now serves the rest of the family. |
Each child also gave a speech to testify what the teachings and activities during that week had meant to them and to appreciate the parents for sending them. |
F.l.t.r. is Teday, Timothy, Stefanus, Kemboi and Thomas. |
It was lovely having some visitors with us to make the celebration even more special. |
Here is one "proud mama" with her boys. |
"Thank you bro Maritim for giving yourself to these boys ... May God richly bless you!" |